What a wonderful beautiful sunny morning to start the second day of VBS! The kids warmed up in Opening Worship Rally with the theme song and a brand new song, “Love You More” which reflect the lesson for today – Connect with Love! The kids watched the continuation of the video from last night where our ‘superheroes’ ending up hanging on the fence talking about the love while the older superheroes zoomed around Central Park to deliver the pizzas of love. Huh? Not sure what the storyline is? No worries, just ask your kids!
The kids in the Battery Park classes learned to connect with Love in the bible story where “A Woman Responds with Love” in Luke 7:36-38, 44-48. The woman at the Pharisee’s house showed her great love for Jesus in her deeds and
heart and in response; Jesus forgave her of her many sins.
The kids practiced their kicking and screaming skills at the Playground 1017 in the human foosball game! The younger kids had a great time at Crafts District in making a bookmark with a Statue of Liberty proclaiming “We love because He first loved us” from 1 John 4:19.
The children jourThe Music Backstage kicked into a high gear with “Love You More” amidst the swaying, bouncing and laughing. The kids were challenged with an interesting question, “What do you love the most?”.. Your iphone? Your dog? Your toys? Your PC? Ask your kid to sing for you to find out the answer! Oh we also have the songs CD for sale for RM5 each. Midtown Snacks served up Love Tuesday menu with Piola Pizza/bun with yoghurt and grape juice punch!
How time flies when you are having fun and in a blink of an eye we have already said goodbye to Day 2! Take care, stay safe and see you all tomorrow!
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